Film Photography


Analog photography is a personal passion that I enjoy both for its opportunity for self-expression as well as the opportunity for the camera and environment to express themselves. By using cameras I've restored myself (a Polaroid 100 Land Camera from the mid 60's and a Konica Autoreflex TC from the late 70's) I can play with each camera's idiosyncrasies - leaving interesting artifacts and flaws in the film. So, in a way, the photo is capturing the moment not only visually, but physically as well. Here are some of my favorites!


Peel-apart film is what initially drew me in to analog photography. My favorite part about it is how much the film itself is affected by the environment. Since the photo must be developed right after it is taken, the results can be drastically affected by temperature, lighting conditions, and even moisture. This physical, finicky nature makes the process feel like you are taking some of the environment home with the film.

One of my favorite things about shooting on film are the unexpected results one can get. We can take as many perfect pictures as we want with our phones, but I love the often beautiful happy accidents that come with shooting on expired film and taking pictures with cameras that may have some mechanical hiccups.

Color 35mm shots on various film stocks

Black & white 35mm shots, mostly on expired Kodak 100 TMax